Thursday, March 4, 2010

My interview Experience

It was my 4th year of my Engineering...when many guys thought about clearing the arrears and few thought about getting placement... I thought about making a Short-Film  with my friend Balaji....
I have attended Interview in Wipro , Infosys, Syntel , Bosch, Iflex and 8 other companies totally unprepared and even while writing Aptitude test for Interview.. I ll discuss about the movie with him..

Days passed.. 60 % of our classmates got placed in some companies.....and we both still discussing about the script in bus, mess hall and even while doing projects....  Though I doesn't care about the placement , People around me started bugging me... so I modified my resume (copy-pasted the resume of my friend who got selected in i-flex). I went for a hair cut as suggested by my friends and started preparing RS agarwal book as suggested by my lecturers and collected few materials regarding "How to attend an Interview" from Internet  ( Back ground Song in my PC: Oru tendral puyalaagi varudhae )

After few weeks of my preparation , An IT company came to my college for conducting Interview .. There were 4 rounds 1) Aptitude , 2) Group discussion 3 ) Tech Interview 4 ) HR Interview
 After a big struggle ( copying from a topper) , I passed the Aptitude Test .. The next round is GD
Guys who had attended the GD  told me  the topic was " Sports in India" .. so i prepared many things to talk regarding sports... I was seated along with 10 students  by a beautiful North Indian woman (HR) in a semi circular manner... My mind was recollecting facts about "Sports in India" 

Suddenly that beautiful HR gave the topic " Population In India" ..... WTF.. At a moment the facts about "Sports in India" vanished from my thoughts.. everyone sitting there started shouting "blah-blahs" about population in India ( like they are going to control the population growth and wont come for job ) ..and yeah.. i too shouted the same "blah - blah" ... those who shouted "hlab-hlab" were disqualified... since i shouted usual blah blah i was selected.. god damn :)...
They told us that the Tech HR is on the next day and asked us to leave..


I came for Tech HR with Database and OOPS books in my hand... Though i have studied those books before for semester exams, i felt i was learning something new at that time.. Before finishing the 1st book , one girl came and called my name... 

I went Inside the Interview panel.. another north Indian ( this time its not a woman) welcomed me.. He gave me the seat after confirming  that  I am Praveen...

now here comes the questions he shooted at me and what i thought in my mind and what i had told
QHR - Question from HR
TTS  -  Thought to Say 
AT - Actually Told

QHR : Tell me about yourself
TTS : I'm just another human being with two eyes, one mouth , two hands and two legs
AT : Sir , My name is Praveen anand and... (blah - blah ) :P

QHR : good , praveen .. you have mentioned in your resume that u have knowledge in databases .. can u write me a query using joins ?
TTS : I even mentioned that my hobbies are watching movies and writing blogs.. why dont u ask those 
AT : yes sir.. sure 

/* he gave me a paper and pen and explained a scenario.. though i couldn't understand it completely,  i just wrote as an algorithm of what i heard */ 

QHR : is it what i asked u to write ?? i asked u to use joins and to make a database 
TTS : Still you cant understand that i dont know about joins??
AT : Sir actually there are 7 types of joins and a database is collection of information (//flushed out some unrelated definitions ) 

QHR : okay.. wat else u know in computers ?
TTS : watching movies, Playing Games, Orkut , Facebook, Twitter 
AT : C++ , Java , Basics of servlets and jsp, Oracle,

QHR : good you have knowledge is various applications.. But still you know only basics.. Being an IT student You must be  advanced in those
TTS : If i am advanced in all those things, then i must have gone for interview in Microsoft.. not here
AT : sir, I understood ...  i would learn them  in future for sure
QHR : Fine .. how long will you work in our company
TTS : As long as you pay me for my survival
AT : I ll fix my entire growth career in your esteemed Organization 

QHR : any plans for higher studies ?? 
TTS : If you are ready to pay, Then I ll do it for sure
AT : As for now .no plans sir. but if our company needs it for promotion issues.. then i may do it in future

QHR : Fine, praveen .. I'm satisfied with your answers .. any question to me ?
TTS :  do you have a daughter?? if yes whats her age and whats her mobile no ?
AT : sir, I would like to ask "If i am selected, What is my growth-path in our organisation?"
QHR : // told me some stuffs which i cant understand anything //

I came out and waited for HR interview

After 2 Hours
A girl came and read out a list of names.. The first name was mine.. I was really scared whether its a list of selected or rejected persons... Many thought it as a rejected list as it topped with my name
After reading those names,,,, she told " These people are selected and need not have to appear for HR round"
So, I got selected finally.. 

That's it.. This is my Interview experience ...

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